Christians Read, Authors, Vicki Hinze, Camy Tang, Elizabeth Goddard, Maureen Lang, Yvonne Lehman, Susan May Warren, Hannah Alexander, Tara Randel, Julie Arduini, Mary Alfrd, Judith Miller

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We are Christians who both read and write Christian fiction. The goal for this blog is to talk about the books we read and about our spiritual journeys. So you’re just as apt to read a review or comments on a book–fiction or non-fiction–as you are to read a devotional or inspiring quote or about daily Christian life in our posts. On the weekends, we post about writing and welcome guest bloggers. It is our hope to build a community where we can interact, discuss matters of importance to us, encourage, share and lift spirits.

Our Christians Read Articles

RSS Christians Read

  • Lose a Letter, Gain a Story: A Blog for the Silly Season by James R. Coggins
    Some of my writer friends like to play a little game. They have discovered that if you drop a single letter from the title of a famous book, you can come up with a title for a completely different story. … Continue reading →
  • More Like God by Nancy J. Farrier
    Sometimes I get so frustrated with my human nature. I want to be more like God, but that nasty humanness rears its ugly head when I least expect it. Have you ever had that happen? You determine to be a … Continue reading →
  • Do You Have a Passport?
    Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the … Continue reading →
  • Shut Up and Listen by James R. Coggins
    In James 1:18-27, the apostle addresses the topic of “words.” Verse 18 (NIV) says that God “chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.” There is … Continue reading →
  • Remembering: The Value of Photo Albums by James R. Coggins
    A while back, my wife and I sat down and went through our photo albums—fifteen of them, covering almost half a century. Several themes stood out. 1. Family. Of course. We have photos of our families of origin and the … Continue reading →
  • Summer Reading Fun by Tara Randel
    It’s officially summer! We just celebrated the 4th of July, an outdoor, fireworks-filled holiday that is loud, messy, and a rite of passage. Picnics, going to the beach, bike riding, hiking in the woods, are just a few of the … Continue reading →
  • The Shaking by Julie Arduini
    Every so often across social media I would use an image like this and ask if anyone had any prayer needs. I noted I would be happy to pray. I probably did this for years, my guess between 2016 and … Continue reading →
  • The Dead Sea Scrolls, God’s preserved Word
    As we celebrate Independence Day in the United States, let’s also thank the Lord for the proof of His unchanging word preserved in the Dead Sea Scrolls. You probably know the story. In 1946, Bedouin boys searched for a lost … Continue reading →
  • Advice for Difficult Circumstances by James R. Coggins
    James 1:2 states: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” The following passage, James 1:2-18, goes on to offer us insight for whenever we encounter “trials.” The Greek word is peirasmos, which … Continue reading →
  • Happy NHL Free Agency Day!
    A holiday celebrated in Canada but not in the US. It is a day when men of many nations are offered millions of dollars to come to our great land and chase a frozen piece of rubber across sheets of … Continue reading →
  • Helping Those in Need by Nancy J. Farrier
    I recently had the chance to share this story. When getting ready to do this post, I thought I would share it once again here because the message is something I needed to remember. I breathed deep, taking in the … Continue reading →
  • Multiple-Choice Quiz by James R. Coggins
    1. Just recently, we had two major appliances (a microwave and a dishwasher) break down within one week. It was a significant blow to our finances. The question: How could this have happened? a. coincidence b. bad luck c. power … Continue reading →
  • What to Do When We’re Not Okay by Julie Arduini
    I think one of the most surprising things to come from 2020 is that we’re in 2024 and we are overall not okay. Politics aside, we thought we were staying inside for a couple of weeks, tops. We were told … Continue reading →

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